
big bird

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Have you ever come across a mute swan gliding effortlessly across a tranquil lake? With its striking white plumage and graceful presence, the mute swan is truly a sight to behold.

The mute swan (Cygnus olor) is a species of swan known for its elegant appearance and distinctive curved neck. It is native to Europe and parts of Asia. Mute swans are commonly found in ponds, rivers, and lakes, where they feed on aquatic plants, algae, small invertebrates and small insects. These elegant birds are known for their territorial nature and can be quite aggressive when defending their nesting sites.

The name “mute” comes from the fact that it is less vocal compared to other swan species. Mute swans are one of the heaviest flying birds in the world. Their impressive wingspan, which can measure up to 8 feet (2.4 meters), helps them glide gracefully through the air.

Mute swans typically lay around 5 to 10 eggs. For the first few days, mute swan cygnets stay close to their parents, learning essential skills like swimming and foraging for food. Mute swan cygnets have a gray plumage. Natural predators such as foxes, birds of prey, and even large fish pose a threat to these vulnerable youngsters. Additionally, human activities like pollution and habitat destruction can also impact the survival of mute swan cygnets.

Mute swans are protected in many countries and are often considered a symbol of beauty and grace.

Till next time …

 tight lines and wet landing nets!

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