
Vorbereitung von Saatgut zum Angeln

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Don’t throw away the water in which you have boiled boilie

In the water in which we boiled the boilies there are a few traces and flavours of the ingredients from which the boilies are made. Most anglers use different types of seeds (corn/maize, hemp, tiger nuts, wheat, barley, buckwheat, chickpeas, lentils, bird seed mix and many more) for fishing, so this is a great opportunity to soak seeds in the water after boiling boilies.

The process of soaking and cooking the seeds is very easy:

First put the desired amount of seeds into the water but make sure that the seeds are covered with water (ratio 1 : 2, seeds : water). It may happen that the seeds absorb all the water in a few hours. Depending on the type of seed, as some absorb more water than others. In this case just add water and mix the seeds with spoon for better water absorption. It is very important not to cover the container in which we soak the seeds (various gases come from seeds). The time of soaking the seeds is very different (from 0 to 48 hours), it depends on the type of seed. We can also add various additives to the water, but I don’t think that’s even necessary.

One example: a tiger nut is soaked for at least 24 hours (best 48 hours), lentils are soaked for 1-3 hours.

Once the seeds are soaked it is time to cook. Also the cooking time of seeds is very different. Some seeds are cooked after just a few minutes (wheatbuck), and some take more than 40 minutes (tiger nuts) to cook.

How do we know if the seeds are cooked? Very easy to check by taking one or two seeds out of the water and trying to cut it in half with your fingernails or fork. If it goes very easily apart it is cooked. There are some exceptions such as the tiger nut, which is also cooked with a fingernail or fingers quite difficult to halve.

When the seeds are cooked, leave them in hot water and cover with a lid. When the seeds have cooled, they usually absorb additional liquid, so it is important that the seeds are covered with water. When the seeds cool, remove the lid on the container.

If you do not go fishing in the next few days (of course we need to store them in a cool place or refrigerator), store the seeds in the freezer until the next fishing. Before use, just put them out of the freezer about 12 hours before.

In this way we can prepare excellent fishing bait in an easy and cheap way. Now that we have boilies and partickles we are ready to go fishing.

Tight lines!

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