The Punch Set contains one of each size Push Punch (6mm, 8mm, 10mm and 12mm). The Push Punches have been custom designed to release bait with minimal effort.
6mm, 8mm, 10mm and 12mm size
Toast cut with a guru bait punch under water looks great.
▶ Guru bait punches on Amazon DE:
▶ Guru Punch Box on Amazon UK: on Ebay:
▶ Guru Tools Bait Punch Conti Disgorger Speed Baiting Needle Rig Scissors Fishing on Ebay:
▶ Guru QM1 4″ Method Hair Rigs With Speedstops: 12 on Amazon UK:
▶ Guru Bait Boxes on Amazon UK:
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THANK YOU for all of your support, for visiting my blog, commenting, and sharing my posts with your friends and social media. I am SO thankful for you!
This video was not paid for by outside persons or manufacturers.
No fishing tackle or bait or anything was supplied to me for this video.
The content of this video, photos and my opinions were not reviewed or paid for by any outside persons.
Which mix to use to attract fish, bought or mixed at home? A question to which there is essentially no answer. Probably many people will think that the easiest way to buy a ready-made mix of proven companies and just mix it up when we go fishing. I partly agree, as companies test mixes on different lakes and rivers and invest a huge amount of time and money to get the final product. How successful the mix is is then measured at various fishing competitions.
For those who do not compete, fish for their own enjoyment and enjoy preparing their fishing mixes, this post may be interesting and help someone prepare their fishing mix. I have to say in advance that I haven’t done this mix yet and it’s basically a test mix that I will test in practice and then post my results in a future post. Most of the dry ingredients in this mix I also used in my boili mixes.
For the basic mix I used the cheapest mix from Timarmix company, based on tigernuts. I have been using their products for some time and they are pretty good. As the products from this company are probably available in some shops in Europe you can add any basic mix of your choice which is available in your local fishing shop.
In the Timarmix are dehydrated tiger nuts, which adds an extra attraction to larger fish (carp, barbel, grass carp,…).
I used CC Moore Supergold 60 in my mix, which, as the name suggests, has more than 60% protein, binds the mix perfectly and in short contains a lot of substances for the normal development of carp andother fish species. If you do not have this type of flour you can replace it with fish meal.
CC Moore Meggablend Red is a blend of bird food as it contains various seeds, oils, vitamins, minerals, proteins and more. An excellent red flour that has super binding properties.
Hemp flour is slightly greasy and has a very intense smell. It speeds up the digestion of fish and because it has no binding properties, the food balls at the bottom dissolve faster.
Buckwheat flakes have a special smell and a lot of protein, but poorly bind the mix.
I added vanilla pudding because of the flavour, the binding of the mix and the cloud in the water.
Excellent powder concentrate and stimulator
CC Moore Blood powder contains high nutritional value of crude protein, has fine granulation and very well binds mix.
Cinnamon is a great addition to the mix, as it not only smells nice, it is also a great attractor for fish.
Since it has long been known that carp and of course other species of fish adore chili powder so this addition is almost a must in any mix.
When all the ingredients are in the container, mix them very well and store the final mix in a closed container until I go fishing.
In this first part I described my preparation of the dry mix for fishing. I will test this mix for feeder and groundbait fishing. Before fishing I will probably add pellets and sweet corn to this mix. I will write more about this in the second part and report the results in the next post.
Till next time …
Tight lines!
THANK YOU for all of your support, for visiting my blog, commenting, and sharing my posts with your friends and social media. I am SO thankful for you!
Disclosure – if you buy anything using links found in this blog post, I may make a small commission. It doesn’t cost you any more to buy via these affiliate links – and please feel entirely free not to do so of course – but it will help me to continue producing content. Thank you.